Sun. |
11 |
Private - Poth 80'th B-day |
Thur. |
15 |
Private - Schulenburg Party |
Fri. |
16 |
Private - Victoria |
Sat. |
17 |
West - Czech Buffet, Dinner, and Dance 6:30 pm |
Sun. |
18 |
Sweet Home Dance - 2 - 6 pm (Dad's Band)
Sat. |
24 |
Pflugerville - Tuff's Tavern (109 Pecan St.) 2 pm |
Sun. |
25 |
Corpus Christi - Moravian Hall (5601 Kostoryz Rd.) 4 - 8 pm |
Fri. |
6 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Sat. |
7 |
Private - Brenham Party |
Thur. |
12 |
Private - San Antonio Teacher's Convention - Roland |
Fri. |
13 |
Private - San Antonio Teacher's Convention - Roland |
Sat. |
14 |
Private - San Antonio Teacher's Convention - Roland |
Sat. |
14 |
Private - New Ulm Wedding |
Mon. |
16 |
La Grange Opry - KC Hall 7 - 10 pm |
Sun. |
22 |
Sweet Home - Dance 2 - 6 pm
Tues. |
24 |
Private - Austin Czech Society Meeting |
Fri. |
27 |
Private - Austin Painted Church & Czech Meeting |
Sat. |
28 |
Private - East Bernard Czech Party |
Mon. |
2 |
Private - Seguin Party |
Sat. |
7 |
Private - Sweet Home Party |
Tues. |
10 |
Private - East Bernard Czech Party |
Thur. |
12 |
Dallas - International Accordion Convention - Roland Demo 10 am - 5 pm |
Fri. |
13 |
Dallas - International Accordion Convention - Roland Demo 10 am - 5 pm |
Sat. |
14 |
Dallas - International Accordion Convention - Roland Demo 10 am - 4 pm |
Sun. |
15 |
Dallas - International Accordion Convention - Jamming |
Tues. |
17 |
New Braunfels KC - Comal Country Music Opry 7 - 10 pm |
Wed. |
18 |
Austin - Accordion Club Meeting 7 - 9 pm |
Thur. |
19 |
Private - Yoakum Bank Party |
Fri. |
20 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Sat. |
21 |
Private - Gonzales B-day Party |
Tues. |
24 |
West - Downtown Celebration with Texas Governor's wife Anita Perry 12 pm |
Wed. |
25 |
Private - New Braunfels Party |
Fri. |
27 |
Tomball - German Heritage Fest - Downtown 6 - 10 pm |
Sat. |
28 |
Tomball - German Heritage Fest 10 am - 10 pm |
Sun. |
29 |
Tomball - German Heritage Fest 12 noon - 6 pm |
Sat. |
4 |
Three Rivers - Salsa Fest 11 am - 2 pm |
Sat. |
4 |
Poteet - Strawberry Fest 4:30 & 6:30 |
Sun. |
5 |
Sweet Home - Dance 2 - 6 pm |
Sat. |
11 |
Private - Shiner Wedding Anniversary |
Tues. |
14 |
Private - Schulenburg Party |
Thur. |
16 |
Private - Schulenburg Party |
Sat. |
18 |
Private - Tomball Wedding Anniversary |
Sun. |
19 |
Private - Austin KJT Party |
Mon. |
20 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Mon. |
20 |
Private - Seguin B-day Party |
Fri. |
24 |
College Station - Czech Evening at St. Mary's Church 7 pm |
Sat. |
25 |
Private - New Ulm Reunion |
Sun. |
26 |
Geronimo VFW 3 - 6:30 pm (Dad's Band) |
Fri. |
1 |
Private - Weimar Party |
Sat. |
2 |
Lexington - Homecoming - Johnny's on the Square 11 am - 3 pm (parade 10:30 am) |
Sat. |
2 |
Houston - Polish Fest Our Lady of Czestochowa Church (1731 Blalock Rd.) 9:15 - 10:10 pm www.houstonpolishfestival.com
Fri. |
8 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Sat. |
9 |
Private - Da Costa Wedding Anniversary (Dad's Band) |
Wed. |
13 |
Private - Yoakum Party |
Fri. |
15 |
Lee County Fairgrounds 2 - 4 pm |
Sat. |
16 |
Pflugerville - Tuff's Tavern - music all day (109 Pecan St.) |
Sun. |
17 |
St. Hedwig - American Legion Hall - Picnic & Dance 1 - 5 pm |
Mon. |
18 |
La Grange Opry - KC Hall 7 - 10 pm |
Tues. |
19 |
New Braunfels - Comal Country Music Opry 7:30 - 10 pm
Sun. |
24 |
Stoneham - St. Josephs Picnic 11 am - 3 pm |
Tue. |
26 |
Austin Accordion Free-For-All 7 - 9 pm (Senior Activity Ctr. - 2874 Shoal Crest Ave.) |
Sun. |
31 |
Depart for Europe!!! Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy, and the Vatican |
Thur. |
11 |
Return From European Tour!!! |
Sat. |
13 |
Private - Ray Point Wedding Anniversary |
Sun. |
14 |
Caldwell - Burleson County Czech Heritage Meeting 2 - 5 pm |
Thur. |
18 |
Elgin SPJST- Swedish Mid-summer Festival 5 - ? pm |
Fri. |
19 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Fri. |
19 |
Rosenberg - Opry (Country Music Show) 7 - 10 pm |
Sat. |
20 |
Private - Runge Flyback School Reunion |
Mon. |
22 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Sat. |
27 |
Private - Kenedy 50'th Wedding Anniversary |
Sun. |
28 |
Elgin SPJST - Dance 3 - 7 pm (Dad's Band) |

Sat. |
4 |
Private - San Angelo Schwartz Family Reunion |
Thu. |
9 |
Killeen - Roland FR-1 Video Demo & Mariachi Jam |
Fri. |
10 |
Killeen Marifest - 7:30 - 10:30 pm International Music & Dance |
Sat. |
11 |
Private - Smithville B-day Party |
Sun. |
12 |
Private - Weimar Party |
Sat. |
18 |
Private - Flatonia Reunion |
Fri. |
24 |
Private - Rockport Party |
Sun. |
26 |
Sweet Home Dance 2 - 6 pm |

Sat. |
1 |
Private - Sun City 50'th Wedding Anniversary
Sun. |
2 |
Santa Fe - Haak Vineyards & Winery Czech Evening 4 - 7 pm http://www.haakwine.com |
Sun. |
2 |
Corpus Christi - Moravian Hall 4 - 8 pm (Dad's Band) www.moravianhallcorpuschristi.com
Fri. |
7 |
Private - Corpus Christi |
Sat. |
8 |
Private - Runge Birthday Party
Sat. |
15 |
Private - Flatonia Party |
Sun. |
16 |
Sweet Home Hall 2 - 6 pm (Dad's Band) www.sweethomehall.com |
Thur. |
20 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Sat. |
22 |
Private - EURO TOUR 2009 After Party |
Sun. |
23 |
La Vernia - Picnic - Immanuel Lutheran Church Hall 11 am - 1 pm |
Tues. |
25 |
Poteet - Cowboy Jamboree 7 - 10 pm |
Wed. |
26 |
Private - Cuero Party |
Fri. |
28 |
San Antonio - Czech Gala at St. Luke's Catholic Church 6 - 11 pm |

Sat. |
5 |
Private - Yorktown 50'th Wedding Anniversary |
Sun. |
6 |
Plantersville - St. Mary's Bazaar 11 am - 2 pm www.smsj.org/smbazaar.php |
Mon. |
7 |
Private - Bus Tour Party -- Rockdale, TX |
Tues. |
8 |
Yoakum Country Music USA 7 - 10 pm cmusayoakum.org |
Wed. |
9 |
Private - Flatonia Party |
Fri. |
11 |
Caldwell Kolache Fest - Kick-Off Party 5 - 9 pm |
Sat. |
12 |
Caldwell - Longhorn Bar & Grill (Downtown) 1 - 6 pm |
Sat. |
12 |
Austin - Czech Gala - Onion Creek Country Club 8 - 10 pm |
Sun. |
13 |
Houston - St. Cyril and Methodius Heritage Festival 1:20 pm - 3:30 pm |
Mon. |
14 |
Private - Houston German Party |
Tues. |
15 |
Private - Victoria Party |
Tues. |
15 |
Edna - Flag City Opry 7 - 10 pm flagcityopry.com |
Thur. |
17 |
Brenham - Washington County Fair 10:30 am - 12:30 pm |
Thur. |
17 |
Private - Schulenburg Party |
Thur. |
17 |
Seguin Country Music Show (Silver Center) 7 - 10 pm |
Fri. |
18 |
Private - Lake Jackson 50'th Birthday Party |
Sat. |
19 |
Richmond - Ft. Bend Museum Cultural Fest http://www.fortbendmuseum.org/annual-events/celebrate |
Sun. |
20 |
Smithville VFW - Church Bazaar 8:30 am - 12:30 pm |
Sun. |
20 |
Geronimo VFW 3 - 6:30 pm (Dad's Band) |
Fri. |
25 |
Los Angeles, CA - Roland 2'nd Annual V-Accordion Competition |
Sat. |
26 |
Woodlands Oktoberfest www.oktoberfestthewoodlands.com |
Sun. |
27 |
Woodlands Oktoberfest www.oktoberfestthewoodlands.com |
Thur. |
1 |
Cuero - St. Mark's Lutheran Church Oktoberfest 6 - 8 pm |
Sat. |
3 |
Richmond - Czech Heritage Presentation (Old South Plantation) 10 - 11 am |
Sat. |
3 |
Private - 60'th Wedding Anniversary |
Sun. |
4 |
Flatonia - Cath. Church - Turkey & Dressing Day 11 am - 1 pm |
Sun. |
4 |
Austin - Hermann Sons (9611 Decker Lake Rd.) 4 - 8 pm |
Sun. |
4 |
Mentz Picnic 1 - 5 pm (Leroy Rybak's Swining Orchestra) |
Thur. |
8 |
Lake Jackson Civic Center - Czech/German Fest 7 - 9 pm PRESALE TICKETS ONLY |
Sat. |
10 |
La Grange - Ribbon Cutting Gala for Czech Museum/Library 10:30 am www.czechtexas.org |
Thur. |
15 |
Brenham - Bluebonnet Opry (Silver Wings Ballroom) - 7 - 10 pm |
Fri. |
16 |
Oktoberfest - Alexandria, LA 7:15 - 9 pm |
Sat. |
17 |
Needville Harvest Fest 1:30 - 4:00 pm www.needvillefest.com
Sat. |
24 |
Lenz Hall Dance 7:30 - 11:00 pm |
Sun. |
25 |
Three Rivers - Our Savior Lutheran Church Polka Mass 1900 Hwy. 72 E 10:45 am - 12 pm |
Sun. |
25 |
Private - San Antonio Anniversary |
Sat. |
31 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |

Sun. |
1 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm - www.texrenfest.com |
Tues. |
3 |
Private - Victoria VFW - Patient's Day Out 10 am - 1 pm |
Sat. |
7 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Sun. |
8 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Thur. |
12 |
Private - Moulton Shady Oaks Family Night |
Sat. |
14 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm
Sun. |
15 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Sat. |
21 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Sun. |
22 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Fri. |
27 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Sat. |
28 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |
Sun. |
29 |
Plantersville - Texas Renaissance Fest 10 am - 6 pm |

Tues. |
1 |
George West - Opry 7 - 10 pm |
Wed. |
2 |
La Grange - TCHCC Czech Gala 6 - 9 pm - see www.czechtexas.org |
Sat. |
5 |
Private - Giddings Christmas Party |
Sat. |
5 |
Private - Austin KJZT Christmas Party |
Sun. |
6 |
Private - Bexar County Czechs Christmas Party |
Fri. |
11 |
Private - Hallettsville Christmas Party |
Sat. |
12 |
Tomball - Christmas Market |
Sun. |
13 |
Private - San Antonio KC Christmas Party |
Wed. |
16 |
Headed to Europe - for a Czech and Slovak Christmas!!! |
